Library Services for DTS Students Who Live in the Dallas Area
This is a summary of the library services for DTS students who live in the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) area. DFW area is defined as Dallas county and its contiguous counties. Students who live outside DFW should consult the following as appropriate.
- Library Services for DTS Students Who Live in the United States but Outside the Dallas Area.
- Library Services for DTS Students Who Live Outside the United States
- There are separate pages for special services such as services for the blind.
Contact Information
To contact the library, email or phone +1-214-887-5284. Consult the How to Contact Library Staff page for more specific contact information.
Reference Assistance
Library reference staff with theological degrees are eager to assist with your study and research needs. We are available on the Dallas campus and also by email, video conferencing, and phone. We will not do an assignment for you, but we will teach, guide, and assist as you become an independent learner and researcher. For example, we might recommend a good source to get you started, or show you how to use a particular database to find good resources. Thesis and dissertation consultations are available by appointment.
Access to Databases
The library provides access to scores of databases. You can link to databases through the title list, the topic list, or the drop down menu on the home page. When you select a database, you will be prompted to authenticate using your familiar DTS account.
Database Tutorials
See the key databases page for a description of the most frequently used databases, and the database tutorials for instruction about using the main search engines. The Seminary Readiness Course (which all new students are required to take) contains a little informal library instruction. DM7102, and BS8104 include more formal instruction about how to do library research. Contact the library if you need help.
Document Delivery
Looking for a textbook? See the textbook section below.
We do not mail books to students who live in the DFW area. We do not scan journals and books for students who live in the DFW area. Local students are expected to visit the campus. We do, of course, provide appropriate services for the disabled. (In addition, we have granted a very small number of exceptions on a case by case basis. For example, we provided special services for a homebound student who was providing long term hospice care at home for a dying relative.)
Access to Textbooks and Required Course Readings
Plan to purchase your textbooks. The library does own at least one copy of a every textbook, and sometimes the copy is ebook format, but the library usually does not own multiple copies of textbooks sufficient for all students. Why? When publishers sell ebooks, they often restrict the ebook so it can be used by only one person at a time. They almost always do this with textbooks. This restriction protects their income. Of course print books work the same way: only one person at a time can use a copy. There is no practical way the library could afford enough copies of textbooks for everyone. So plan to purchase your textbooks.
Are you looking for something that is required reading for a course such as a journal article or a single chapter from a book? Try the following.
- Check Canvas for your course. For many courses, required readings (journal articles, single chapters from books, class notes from the professor) are in Canvas.
- Check your Logos ebook collection; it contains a small number of textbooks. DTS provides this to every DTS student.
- Check WorldCat and Atla Religion Database to see if those databases provide a link to the article.
- If you do not live in the Dallas area, and you need only a single chapter from a print book or a single article from a print journal, then the library will scan and email a pdf to you. Just tell us what you need. We can not legally copy an entire book. Contact (We do not offer this service for those who live in the Dallas area; they are expected to come to the library and help themselves.)
Borrowing Privileges. Loans and Renewals
The library allows current students in good standing to have a maximum of fifty items on loan at one time. Some materials, such as reference books and periodicals, are non-circulating and never leave the building. Loans must be properly recorded against the borrower's account before materials can be removed from the building. Circulation staff process all borrowing transactions including course reserves. All borrowed library items must be returned on or before the date due to the circulation desk or (after hours) to the overnight book drop near the main entrance.
The loan period varies with item type; books, for example, are loaned for three weeks, with a maximum of three renewals possible. You may renew eligible items yourself via WorldCat, the library catalog. Borrowers with overdue materials are subject to fines, and long overdue materials will be declared lost and the borrower invoiced. Students should not ignore due dates or overdue notices.
Course Reserve Services
Print books are placed on course reserve at the request of instructors. This is a means of guaranteeing students have access to specific high-demand resources in order to complete specific required assignments for a given course. Required text-books are normally not put on reserve. You may use the reserve module of WorldCat to see what is on reserve for any course or instructor. Reserve materials are loaned for two hours during the day, or overnight. You may have a maximum of two reserve items on loan at one time. Course reserve materials should be returned directly to circulation staff for immediate check in to avoid overdue fines.
Most courses no longer place items on library course reserve. Instead, pdfs are posted to Canvas, the DTS online learning management software. If a course syllabus says something is on reserve, but it is not, then look on Canvas.
Hold Notification
Students may ask to be notified when unavailable items (e.g., items currently on loan, at the bindery, etc.) become available. This is called placing a hold. In most cases you may use WorldCat to place the hold yourself. If a hold is placed on an item that is on loan to someone, the software will prevent the current borrower from renewing the loan. When the item is returned, you will be notified (via email), and the item will be kept up to one week at the circulation desk for you to pick up. Holds may not be placed on items in some special collections such as academic course reserve.
Archives and Special Collections
These resources are available at the discretion of the Archivist. Details available on the Special Collections page.
IT Helpdesk, Writing Center, AV Production Facilities, and Printers
The Mosher building houses the IT helpdesk, the Writing Center, computers, scanners, color printers, Internet resources, a range of software, and rooms and equipment for video and audio recording and editing. You may also rent equipment (e.g., digital video cameras, digital still cameras, data projectors) to use off campus.
Quiet Zones and Collaborative Talking Zones
The second and third floors of the Turpin building as designated as a Quiet Zone; talking is not permitted. The first floor of Turpin and all floors of the Mosher building are designated as a Talking zone; talking is permitted, and group study rooms are available.
TexShare Cards
Students who reside in Texas and wish to borrow books directly from other Texas libraries may contact the Library to obtain a TexShare card. TexShare is a Texas library resource sharing program consisting of state and other interested public and academic libraries. If a library is a member of the TexShare card program, it will allow TexShare card holders from other libraries to borrow books.
Interlibrary Loan
Need something Turpin Library does not own? Use our interlibrary loan department. Interlibrary loan is a service whereby one library will loan items or provide copies to another library for the use of a requesting patron. Thousands of libraries lend to other libraries, so you can obtain almost any book or article in the world in this fashion (except rare books and unpublished manuscripts like unpublished foreign dissertations). However, ILL delivery can be slow, so plan ahead. It is not practical to depend on ILL for your routine needs; use it for special long term projects.
It is best if you use one standard ILL form for each request. Please do not submit requests via the phone; it is too easy to make transcription errors. When you request an item, you do not need to know what library owns the item. We can identify potential suppliers. Just give us an accurate bibliographic citation such as:
- author, book title, edition, publisher, and date; or
- author, article title, journal title, volume, issue, pages, and date.
- Request a book/thesis via InterLibrary Loan.
- Request a copy of a Journal Article via InterLibrary Loan.
Miscellaneous Services
Group study rooms are available for group projects but may not be used by solitary students. These rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis only and must be renewed or relinquished after two hours.
The library has a limited number of lockers which are annually issued to current students as available. There is a small fee, part of which is refundable when the lock is returned.
All doctoral students are encouraged to make use of the doctoral study area on the second floor of Turpin. The restricted space, available only to PhD students, is accessible via keypad entry. Eligible students may inquire about the entry code at the circulation desk. The carrels are not individually assigned, nor are they available for personal storage when not in use. However, students may rent individual book carts for personal use and storage of properly borrowed library materials overnight. See circulation staff for details. Library materials which have not or cannot be duly borrowed must be returned to one of the reshelving trucks or to the main circulation desk before the end of each day.
Watch for the annual library book sale. We sell damaged books and donated books we do not need at very low prices.
Policies and Rules
See House Rules for policies.
How You Can Help Us
The library eagerly solicits suggestions and recommendations. We firmly believe both policy and procedure can be improved, and we are always looking for ways to further the mission of the library and meet the information needs of the library constituency. Don't be shy; tell us how to improve. Feel free to recommend the purchase of a specific book.
Please obey closing rules and clear the building on time. Closing announcements are made in advance. No transactions will be made after the library closes, except that users who are already in line at the desk before it closes will be allowed to complete their transactions if otherwise practical.
Please respect others who wish to study in a quite environment. Do not talk in the no talking zones. Use of cell phones is permitted only in the stairwells.
Please do not mark in books.