Quick Start for New Students

If you are a new student, this is the place to begin.


Welcome to DTS! The library is here to help you with your research needs. New students are automatically registered to use the library two weeks before their first semester begins. In order to borrow books on the Dallas campus, you will need a photo ID (such as a DTS ID or a driver's license) to prove your identity.

Database Access and Passwords

The library home page https://library.dts.edu/ has searchboxes for WorldCat and some commonly used EBSCO databases. It also has a dropdown list of over 100 databases. When you select a database, you will be prompted to sign-in to your DTS account using your name@dallasseminary.edu credentials. Those credentials also enable students to renew books and place holds in WorldCat.

Orientation, Instruction and Help

The library offers orientation the first few days of the fall and spring semesters on the Dallas campus. This covers library services and a brief hands-on introduction to searching databases.

Information available Link
How to contact the library: https://library.dts.edu/contact
Dallas campus library calendar: https://library.dts.edu/calendar
Library catalog: https://dts.on.worldcat.org/
Descriptions of databases: https://library.dts.edu/guide-topic
Database tutorials: https://library.dts.edu/dbtutorials
Library public service policies: https://library.dts.edu/house-rules
Collection development policy https://library.dts.edu/collectiondevelopment
Library statistics https://library.dts.edu/library-statistics

Available Services