Database Manuals and Tutorials
For exercises and homework assignments designed to help you develop search skills, see assignments.
- Introduction to WorldCat. Searching, My List, Holds, Course Reserves.
- WorldCat videos: A brief look at WorldCat Discovery, Search techniques in WorldCat Discovery, Advanced searches in WorldCat Discovery, Filter search results in WorldCat Discovery, Interpret the Item Details In WorldCat Discovery, Share items from search results in WorldCat Discovery
- Your WorldCat Account. What you can do. How to login. Differences between DTS students, registered Community Users, and DTS grads.
- How to Set or Reset Your Microsoft Azure Login Credentials. DTS students use this for databases.
- How to Set or Reset Your Microsoft Azure Login Credentials. DTS grads use this for databases.
- How to Set or Reset a WorldCat Password. Registered community users with a courtesy card use this.
- How to Renew Your Loans.
- How to Access Journals. Search by journal title. Provides links to online journals and information about which print journals the library owns.
EBSCO databases
- Introduction to Using EBSCO.
- EBSCO videos, each about 3 minutes in length: Basic Searching, Advanced Searching, Browsing, Result List, Personal Folder, Reading an article online, Reading an ebook, Three Methods To Search For Biblical Scripture Citations .
- EBSCO online help for the interface in general.
- Using SmartText. An EBSCO natural language query processor.
- How to use EBSCO ebooks.
- ATLA/ATLAS tips. Assumes you already know how to use EBSCO databases.
- Atla fields.
- OTA/NTA tips. Old Testament Abstracts and New Testament Abstracts. Assumes you already know how to use EBSCO databases.
- APA PscyINFO for EML students. Assumes you already know how to use EBSCO databases.
- Education Source . Assumes you already know how to use EBSCO databases.
- EBSCO manuals. Detailed user guides/manuals.
How to download the EBSCO Mobile App
- Google Play:
- Apple App Store:
How to use the EBSCO Mobile App
- EBSCO Mobile App Tutorial
- EBSCO eBooks on the EBSCO Mobile App Tutorial
- EBSCO Mobile App Quick Start Guide
- eBooks on the EBSCO Mobile App
Other Databases/Systems
- Introduction to ProQuest Databases.
- ProQuest Ebook Central.
- Introduction to Gale OneFile.
- Introduction to ERIC. (Direct)
- Religious and Theological Abstracts.
- Index Theologicus. Very current!
- L’Année philologique. Greco-Roman history and literature.
- Perseus. Greco-Roman literature in Greek, Latin and English translation.
- TLG Online new interface. Nearly exhaustive corpus of ancient Greek literature. (The TLG Online old interface is still available, too.)
- Loeb Online. Loeb classical library of Greek and Latin works with English translation.
- Searchable Greek Inscriptions. All the Greek inscriptions formerly on the PHI cd-rom (but not the PHI papyri). NOT included in TLG.
- Finding Online Journals (aka, the eJournal List). How to use this resource to determine if the journal you want is available online. You must already have a specific article citation; this tool does not let you search by subject.
- Google Search Operator. Brief summary. But remember ranking is the key to Google's effectiveness, not use of search opertors.
- Google Translate. Use Google to translate journal articles you find in ATLA and other databases.
- English language introduction to CNKI Chinese database and CNKI 中國學術期刊數據庫
- 華藝電子書使用說明. Introduction to Airiti eBooks