Other Databases
- Introduction to ProQuest Databases.
- ProQuest Ebook Central.
- Introduction to Gale OneFile.
- Introduction to ERIC. (Direct)
- Religious and Theological Abstracts.
- Index Theologicus. Very current!
- L’Année philologique. Greco-Roman history and literature.
- Perseus. Greco-Roman literature in Greek, Latin and English translation.
- TLG Online new interface. Nearly exhaustive corpus of ancient Greek literature. (The TLG Online old interface is still available, too.)
- Loeb Online. Loeb classical library of Greek and Latin works with English translation.
- Searchable Greek Inscriptions. All the Greek inscriptions formerly on the PHI cd-rom (but not the PHI papyri). NOT included in TLG.
- Finding Online Journals (aka, the eJournal List). How to use this resource to determine if the journal you want is available online. You must already have a specific article citation; this tool does not let you search by subject.
- Google Search Operator. Brief summary. But remember ranking is the key to Google's effectiveness, not use of search opertors.
- Google Translate. Use Google to translate journal articles you find in ATLA and other databases.
- English language introduction to CNKI Chinese database and CNKI 中國學術期刊數據庫
- 華藝電子書使用說明. Introduction to Airiti eBooks