Welcome to DTS Libraries

News & Activities

Library will be closed all day Friday 12/20/24 through Sunday 12/29/24 for Christmas holiday. Will reopen Monday 12/30/24. You can use the overnight book return slot adjacent the front door to return books when we are closed.

Library will close at noon on Tuesday 12/31/24, will be closed all day Wednesday 1/1/25, and will reopen Thursday 1/2/25. You can use the overnight book return slot adjacent the front door to return books when we are closed.

Use of library collection exceeds
126 thousand uses

Size of library collection exceeds
2.6 million titles

Doctoral study area now open. Still awaiting phase two upgrades.

Some new and updated databases

Search EBSCO databases

Additional databases

A few key databases listed with annotations.

Complete list of databases arranged by title

Complete list of databases arranged by topic with annotations

Database tutorials. Develop your search skills

Contact the library if you need help